Laura Enerson Castro contributed these photos of Ambrose.  A few of her comments are listed as captions. To see photos from our trip to Ambrose, click here.

Original content copyright Sonic Tremor Media LLC

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More Photos of Ambrose

Ambrose, ND

Ambrose is just north of Highway 5 in the northwestern corner of the state, just three miles from the US-Canadian border.

Ambrose had been on our radar for some time. It is a well-known town in ghost town circles and has been the subject of numerous media reports for a variety of reasons, most notably it’s dwindling population.

We knew Ambrose would be beautiful and there would be good photographs to be taken, but honestly, we were caught unprepared. We were three-quarters of the way through a two-day, one thousand mile ghost town trip, and when we rolled into Ambrose, honestly, there was almost a feeling of dread… because there were so many photos to take.

Ambrose is a large town as near-ghost towns go, covering some twenty square blocks. It is also much more wooded than we expected (due in part to the effort of early residents), requiring a lot of ‘adventure’ so-to-speak.

So this gallery is a small sampling of the photos we were able to take. Suffice to say, if you’re gonna photograph Ambrose, allow an extra day.  See more photos of Ambrose, contributed by Laura Enerson Castro, here.

US Census Data for Ambrose
Total Population by Place

1910 – 320
1920 – 389
1930 – 334
1940 – 294
1950 – 286
1960 – 220
1970 – 109
1980 – 60
1990 – 48
2000 – 23
2010 – 26

Photos by Troy Larson and Terry Hinnenkamp, copyright Sonic Tremor Media