Bucyrus, ND

Bucyrus, ND is along Highway 12 in southwestern North Dakota, east of Bowman. It was founded in 1907 as Wolf Butte, and was also known as Dolan for a time. Bucyrus is just down the road from some other places we’ve visited, like Gascoyne, Haley and Griffin.

US Census Data for Bucyrus
Total Population by Place

1920 – 113
1930 – 124
1940 – 117
1950 – 111
1960 – 60
1970 – 42
1980 – 32
1990 – 22
2000 – 26
2010 — 27

Bucyrus fell victim to a wildfire on October 17th, 2012.  The town’s residents were evacuated, but numerous homes were lost to fire.


Photos by Troy Larson and Terry Hinnenkamp, copyright Sonic Tremor Media

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15 thoughts on “Bucyrus, ND

  1. Bucyrus has several nice homes that are occuppied, It is hard to look at all the vacant buildings. The town is dear to the hearts of the people who went to school there and who live there now.


  2. With much saddness I read of the fire that destroyed this little town North Dakota and it’s history last night. All that remains are the pictures to remind us of the place many people once called home, who worked hard here and raised their families. God bless those who still called it home, and may have lost everthing to this devastating fire. Many thanks to this website for preserving the beauty of what this place once was, and many others like it. Please keep up the good work, so that people have these good memories of what once was.


  3. So glad we got to go back in June this year. My dad grew up just south of Bucyrus on the farm, went to the High school before they closed it and moved all the students to Hettinger. Still have many fond memories of roaming around town for the summer and my grandparents house is in several of the pictures above. Very sad day for Bucyrus and all involved including a few of my dads cousins. We spent several days at the Ponderosa Inn just south of town this summer and my family and I all had so much fun. One of my favorite places on earth. We will be back next summer!


  4. I once heard a story that the basketball hoop in one end of the gym was a foot lower than the other (because of heating equipment). Since teams swap goals at half-time, things worked out…


  5. What fun. The little white home in the foreground is.where I was born 6-26-36. Lot of memories from that town. We moved from there to Hettinger, 10 miles east on Hwy 12 about three years later. There will be a lot of little towns to photograph next time we drift up that way.


  6. I have some great memories of Bucyrus growing up, attended two years of school there, the Bucky Russ Bar, the Sweet Shoppe, the post office……


  7. The fire came from the west and took out every thing for about 5 miles. Spooky? The fire stopped at the church , probably due to close cut grass, moved across the road to the south and cleaned every thing for I/4 miles. and went north of the church, left 4 homes and cleaned out the rest of the town. The first house south of the church was where my Grandmother Clara Johnston lived with her son Iver,many years ago, I have a whole childhood of memories there. On the north side of high way 12, every thing was charred for about 6 miles and stopped at Billy and Heidi Thompsons road. Then it went south and literally skipped, until it burned out .


  8. My great grandparents moved to Bucyrus in 1919. They ran a whistle stop cafe and hotel. My great grandmother and her children ran it long after her husband passed. Does anyone have any info on this cafe? I’d greatly appreciate it! Thanks so much


  9. My great grandparents moved to Bucyrus in 1919 and ran a whistle stop cafe and hotel. My great grandma continued to run it after her husband passed. I’d love any information about this cafe or photos, stories. Thanks so much


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